Grace O’Malley’s is part of a collection of restaurants owned and operated by Mason Jar Group. With over 250 employees in the MJG network, we focus on giving each customer the best experience possible through culinary, venue, drinking, and nightlife; built and managed like no other.
Ireland’s “Pirate Queen”
Grace O’Malley, Ireland’s “Pirate Queen” in the 16th century, was the spirited daughter of a Gaelic chieftain. She shared her father’s love of the sea and eventually took over as captain of his fleet, ably commanding hundreds of crewmen in the pursuit of trade, piracy and rebellion against the English.
Her bravery and boldness were legendary. Centuries ahead of her time, she challenged traditional norms of male dominance and female dependence, and struck fear in the hearts of the Englishmen invading the land she loved. Eventually, Grace stood tall and fearless in a face-to-face meeting with the world’s most powerful woman, Queen Elizabeth of England, and quickly earned her respect, admiration and protection from English foes.
Grace once sought hospitality, traditionally offered to Gaelic chieftains, at the English-owned Howth Castle near Dublin. But the gates were closed and she was turned away. She was furious, and on her way back to the ship she encountered the Lord of Howth’s young grandson, whom she promptly kidnapped and took out to sea. The Lord expected to pay a hefty ransom of gold or silver, but instead Grace simply asked him to promise that the gates of the castle would never be closed, and that an extra place would always be set at the dining table for unexpected guests. He agreed, and to this day, the gates remain open at Howth Castle, and there’s an extra place setting at the table, just in case.
Grace O’Malley’s story was largely left out of the history books, a reflection of her rebellious nature and unconventional ways. But she has never been, and never will be, forgotten in the hearts of her countrymen, who share her spirit and her undying love for Ireland and the sea.
Special thanks to @eatdrinkclt for providing some of the gorgeous images found on the site.